A P R I L |
21st |
Testing new chassis and performance of the new Cart
M A Y |
5th |
Testing of Cart under extreme speed and vibration
19th |
Chassis Test and Reliability Testing of Race Cart
J U N E |
2nd |
First Race in Grand Prix Indy Series
18th |
Second Race in Grand Prix Indy Series
30th |
Third Race in Grand Prix Indy Series
J U L Y |
14th |
Fourth Race in Grand Prix Indy Series
28th |
Fifth Race in Grand Prix Indy Series
A U G U S T |
11th |
Sixth Race in Grand Prix Indy Series
25th |
Seventh Race in Grand Prix Indy Series
S E P T E M B E R |
8th |
Eighth Race in Grand Prix Indy Series
25th |
Ninth Race in Grand Prix Indy Series
O C T O B E R |
6th |
10th Race in Grand Prix Indy Series
? |
Semifinals Series set for October 2001. Dates still to be determined
N O V E M B E R |
? |
Championship Series November 2001. Dates still to be determined
? |
Formal Awards Banquet Saturday